Price : $80
Compex introduces the WLM54G-30dBm-ESD wireless 802.11b/g miniPCI high power of 30dBm (1 Watt) with ESD protection.
WLM54G-30-ESD with electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection up to 15KeV is recommended in places where thunderstorms are frequent. ESD protection can protect the card from surge generated by these thunderstorms that would have otherwise be damaged without ESD protection in a similar exposure
High power output makes it an excellent choice for long distance applications. Combined with excellent receiver sensitivity and high speed transmission of up to 108Mbps, Compex WLM54G-30dBm-ESD is the miniPCI choice for long distance links, or those where signal levels are reduced due to minor obstructions such as trees or buildings.
Features :
* Compatible with IEEE802.11 b/g (2.4GHz) standard
* Speed up to 108Mbps high-speed data rate
* Output Power of up to 30dBm (1Watt)
* Built-in ESD/EMP Protection up to 15KeV
* Transmission Power Control (TPC)
* Extended Distances and Performance due to the better Output Signal Power
* High Performance with Low Power Consumption
* Multi-Country Roaming Support (IEEE802.11d)
* Single MMCX Antenna Connector
* Suitablefor Embedded System or OEM Project
* Affordable and Ideal for a Variety of Applications
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